Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Department of Geography and Urban Planning,, University of Tehran

2 University of Tehran

3 ,University of Tehran


The concept of creative city in our country in accordance with the global trend in the academic community and policy-making has been welcomed. But more than a decade after the introduction of this concept, this concept and its dimensions have not yet been properly explained and the concept of creative city. It is necessary to pay attention to different aspects of this concept and to avoid confusing different approaches and theoretical and methodological critique of the researches. This research is a descriptive-analytical type and uses quantitative and qualitative content analysis method to analyze the data.

In general, this study concludes that theoretically and methodologically, research related to the creative city is misinterpreted. As the analysis of the content of research shows the adoption of principles and frameworks other than the characteristics of theory and scientific method; Lack of accurate explanation of Florida theory and assumption of its findings in Iran; Invoking invalid indicators; Adopting contradictory indicators with the theoretical literature; Lack of attention to the validity of the measurement model (validity and reliability) in measuring the creative city; Adopting an approach contrary to the theoretical literature in data collection and unit of measurement; Establishing a causal relationship between the concept and its components; Reducing the localization of theories to researcher-made indicators from the field of do's and don'ts; Mere emphasis on assessment and not entering into the discussion of explanation is one of the most important factors in the deviation of internal studies in the attitude towards the creative city.


Main Subjects