Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


This study tried to investigate the role of factors involved in the implementation of a smart environment in the metropolis of Mashhad in three parts: the degree of impact in case of occurrence, the probability of occurrence of an option in the future, and the status quo. Multi-dimensional mixed method was used. The data was collected using documents, questionnaires, and semi-structured interviews. The analytical foundation was based on the components of the DPSIR model.  Participants in this study included 30 experts in the quantitative section and 9 experts in the qualitative interviews section who were selected by the snowball sampling method.  The collected data were analyzed using a T-test in SPSS software. The results show that except for waste management, in other dimensions including water management, environmental integrated management, urban beautification, culture and identity, smart building, wastewater management, and development of green electricity, the degree of impact in case of occurrence was high and in the probability of future occurrence, culture and identity have a relatively favorable situation compared to other dimensions.  In describing the current situation, the unfavorable situation of the smart environment in the metropolis of Mashhad was observed. Suggestions for improving the current situation were also provided in the current research.


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