Document Type : Original Article


Department Of Geography, Najafabad Branch


One of the most important recent theories of urban development is urban livability, which has been put forward with the aim of developing a city towards the greatest possible utility. The purpose of this research was identifying the indicators that are effective in urban livability. In this regard, first the livability from a theoretical point of view and then the characteristics of the areas of Isfahan city were investigated and measured. For the descriptive-analytical survey, 5-point Likert scale technique was used to identify effective indicators of livability. The findings show that there is a difference between the urban areas of Isfahan in terms of livability. According to the classification, Jolfa and Razmandagan areas have the highest level of livability and the reason for placing these two areas in the same class is the social, economic and cultural similarity between them and the residents of these two areas are relatively satisfied with the quality of the transportation system, social identity, facilities and residential satisfaction. Since Darb Kushk neighborhood is located in the center of the city and is facing economic, cultural and physical issues, it has an average livability level. The most dissatisfaction in this neighborhood was related to the low quality of the transportation system. Sichan, Abbasabad and Khaneh Isfahan neighborhoods are at the lowest level of livability and should receive the most attention.


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