Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor in Geography, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch, Najafabad, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Tourism Research Center,Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran

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The reconstruction approach has a significant reference to the identity of the historical texture, the achievement of which depends only on paying attention to creative urban tourism. Paying attention to worn-out textures and eliminating their instability has become a central issue in cities, so that urban construction with a tourism development approach is recommended as a solution to preserve such valuable textures. Reconstruction emphasizes upon the maintenance of historical textures and the best use of cultural and historical heritage. Reconstruction helps to modernize historical textures in line with the development of tourism industry. Organizing and reviving urban textures results in tourism development, which helps to preserve the historical textures as the construction quality of all the relevant spaces improves. The present study aimed at identifying and analyzing the factors affecting the reconstruction of historical textures from the perspective of tourism development using a descriptive analytical method. The components of the study were divided into seven factors: worn textures, regulations, social, cultural, physical and infrastructural, economic, and political factors. To meet the goals of the study, Fuzzy DEMATEL method was used to address the research questions. The results of Di+Ri showed that the economic factor with a final score of 3.159 is the most important factor for the development of tourism in the old textures of Ahwaz. Moreover, the results of Di-Ri showed that the cause group includes social, economic, physical and political factors in which the most effective one is social factors with a final score of 0.615, whereas the effect group includes cultural factors, worn-out textures, and regulations in which the most effective one is worn-out textures with a final score of -0.4723.


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