Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Environment, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad

2 Faculty Member, Department of Environment, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University

3 Professor, Department of Environment, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

4 Department of Desert Areas Management, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad


Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is a link between transportation planning and land use. TOD causes economic prosperity by expanding non-motorized transportation and public transportation. With regard to the creation and development of subway lines in Mashhad, and with the aim of increasing their use and reducing traffic caused by the congestion of private cars, the creation of TOD areas will greatly contribute to the prosperity of public transportation. In order to calculate TOD quantitatively, nine stations in Mashhad subway line were studied with the help of Analytical Hierarchy (AHP) method. According to the 5 main criteria of TOD, fourteen indicators and sub-indices were determined. Among the stations and according to the criteria, three stations are suitable, three stations are average and three stations are in poor position. For a more detailed investigation, diversity index, land use, was investigated in nine stations. AHP results show only an average of indicators; And in order to create a suitable land use for each area, the land use index in TOD areas should be considered alone. For this purpose, land use was divided into 16 categories and their number in each region was investigated and its ratio to the population of each region was obtained. The results showed that the Haft Tir region, which won the first place in the AHP ranking; It was ranked 8th in basic services, 3rd in type 2 services, and 5th in personal services. With the help of these results, planners can examine and analyze the land use situation in each region and take steps to increase services at each station.


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