Document Type : Original Article


1 university of kurdistan

2 Department of Urban Planning Faculty of Art and Architecture, Kurdistan University, Sanandaj, Iran


Housing is a social, economic, and political issue and, beyond that, a right given to possessors of power and capital which has turned into a basic challenge in the global system of urbanization due to the preference of personal interests over collective benefits (free market policies). The analysis of the status of housing requires a comprehensive view of its different aspects. In Iran, this has been influenced by economic, political, social, and cultural aspects, and housing has turned into capital goods by demands on the capital market which is called a business. In this research, the quantitative and qualitative indicators of housing were investigated with a comprehensive view. The conceptual framework of the issue was offered after reviewing the related literature and introducing the theoretical foundations. Then, Iran’s provinces were ranked based on the available indicators using the TOPSIS method and fuzzy models. The results of ranking demonstrate that regions in the country with metropolises are affected more seriously than others by the accumulation of wealth in those regions, the increase in housing as capital, the growth of rental housing, and the issue of affordable housing for low-income urban groups, hence the provinces with metropolises have the first to tenth ranks as such. The results also indicate that the major issue is deeply rooted in the structures of administration, and it would be impossible to end the crisis as long as the political and economic oligarchies overlap. Another significant alternative that may help resolve the issue of housing is to consider modern approaches and series of taxation acts accompanied by supervision, because housing could be devaluated as a means of trade and business on the market through a rise in financial costs, shortage of supply, and lack of prospects of growth for suppliers.


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