Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Urban Planning, Faculty of Art, Architecture and Urban Planning, Azad University, Kerman

2 Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Art, Architecture and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch

3 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch


One of the most widely used research methods among qualitative methods is the grounded theory (GT) method, which has different methodological approaches. The purpose of this article is to examine the different approaches of GT and show the similarities, differences, features and dimensions of each of the grounded theory approaches to offer clearer details on using this method in urban planning. In this article, with a systematic review the research published over the last year (i.e. 2020) in English in the field of using GT in urban planning was examined. Hence, "urban planning + grounded theory" was chosen as the keyword for the search. A total of 116 studies were identified as such from which 12 studies were reviewed. The findings of this study showed that in the review of selected research, four main approaches of GT and related features were identified with the titles of original GT approach, Glaserian, Straussian and structural grounded theory approach. The results showed that urban planners in using the GT need to pay more attention to theoretical sampling, theoretical saturation, and writing analytical notes. In addition, being aware of the differences between different GT approaches, including philosophical foundation and theoretical emphasis, leads to better results in using grounded theory.


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