Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Department of Human Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


In the process of growth, cities gradually lose their effectiveness in relation to new conditions due to their social nature. Urban blight is a dilemma that most cities, especially historic and ancient cities, grapple with it. One of the main problems that the blighted texture create for the cities is housing problems. Urban regeneration as an effective approach against urban blight can be a good solution to change and improve the situation of the city and the quality of the living conditions of its inhabitants. The purpose of this study is to analyze the physical and economic policies of urban regeneration in blighted texture based on housing in Jofreh Mahini neighborhood of Bushehr. The required statistical data were collected using a questionnaire. To analyze the data, one-sample t-tests, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equations were used. In this study, housing indicators were divided into three general dimensions: quantitative, qualitative, and financial. These three dimensions were studied in two policies of urban regeneration, namely economic policy and physical policy. The factor loads obtained for all indicators in both policies in the standard estimate were above standard, which was acceptable. The situation was acceptable in terms of significant estimation as well. After performing the relevant tests, it was also found that the general situation of both policies and also the general situation of the model were in unfavorable conditions in the model of urban regeneration of housing based in the Jofreh Mahini neighborhood.


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