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1 Ph.D. student urban planning, Urban Planning, Faculty of architecture and urban planning, Art university of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Urban Planning, Faculty of architecture and urban planning, Art university of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


The crisis of urban road safety is one of the major development challenges of countries. Of road users, pedestrians are known as one of the most vulnerable groups. Uncontrolled intersections are places with high pedestrian accident rates. Tehranpars intersection is one of the most important intersections in the east of Tehran, where a significant number of pedestrian injuries occur. The increasing trend of the number of accidents in the intersection area since 2014 shows the need to pay attention to this issue. In this article, while examining the existing condition, the most important indicators in the safety of individuals are determined. The method used in this study is descriptive-analytical and it is practical research. The research data were collected in the framework of library studies, field observations, and a questionnaire design (statistical population including residents and space users with a sample size of 333 people). The mean and standard deviation of the statistical population response to the questionnaire variables are compared with the ideal situation. The structural equation model is also used to measure the relationship between factors affecting the safety of individuals. Law enforcement (3.4) had the highest average from the point of view of individuals. The investigation of the factor loads of the model on human dimensions (0.97), physical (0.96) management (0.95), and path equipment (0.908) showed the significance of these relationships and the prominent role of human standard indicators. The relationships between external and internal variables, physical criteria and land use variable (factor load = 0.71) showed the highest correlation, which is expected to be the basis for planning in this intersection in the proposed measures.


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