Document Type : Original Article


1 university of Zanjan

2 University of Zanjan


The insight of Fairclough about a text is the detection of hidden discourse and critical vocal awareness to the consumers of texts. In the meantime, problematic settlements are required to investigate the criteria of the textuality of linguistic lessons in them as a component of the text of the city and the reflection of social theories. According to this issue, this article show how are the components of textuality in problematic settlements and what discourses influence these settlements. The level of explanation was used based on the purpose and requirements. The text of problematic settlements were investigated according to the characteristics of textuality, then the discourse dependency of these settlements to social and institutional processes was studied. DPSIR model and path analysis test were used to explore the indicators of textuality. The results showed that the confrontation of the linguistic structures of problematic settlements in urban texts has been meant by different concepts which show the wishes and demands of residents and the consistency and continuity indicators influence the textuality of problematic settlements the most. Also, in the process of discourse dependency, the conflict is between the normal power of existing institutes and groups without power. Local management has a significant role in these settlements as the defeated part and effective leverage influenced by hidden facts through unawareness, the disproportion of earnings and housing costs, and illegal constructions. It can be said that these settlements are the permanent souvenirs of these cities but the dominant discourses based on investments does not consider important dangers and the difficulties of life for a huge group of these residents and insuring their livelihood safety.  


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