Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Ferdowsi Mashhad


The brownfields of Mashhad, the second metropolis of Iran, with 1591 plots and 3863 hectares, constitute about 13.2% of the land of this city. Organizing and managing brownfields is an effective step in preventing the horizontal expansion of the city and stabilizing the population within the existing borders and in line with sustainable development. One of these parts is Abkouh Sugar Factory with 25 hectares. Considering the importance of replacing appropriate uses and the role of stakeholders in the project’s progress, this research, taking a descriptive-analytical approach, sought to identify the stakeholders and their role in the redevelopment of Abkouh sugar factory lands, to identify the best alternative uses for the redevelopment of the factory lands according to the component sustainable development (economy, identity, urban development and realizability), and offer the best strategies to achieve the desired alternative use. The results of semi-structured interviews with the representatives of 12 beneficiary sectors and experts showed 7 proposed uses. Then, using the hierarchical analysis of AHP, the mixed administrative-commercial use was selected as the best use according to the components of sustainable development. Moreover, the results showed that Astan Quds Razavi as the main stakeholder has most benefits and influence on the redevelopment of the brownfields of Abkouh sugar factory due to the ownership of 43.5% of the total land in the city. Therefore, the best strategy is to establish effective communication with Astan Quds to replace the proposed use in the lands of the factory.


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