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1 PhD Student in Sociology and Economic Development / Department of Social Sciences. Ferdowsi University

2 Associate Professor of Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Literature Ferdowsi University of Mashhad,Iran

3 Department of Social Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

4 Department of Social Sciences. University of Tehran


The outskirts of Mashhad are a collection of population centers that have expanded around the metropolis of Mashhad over the years. Which have created various problems for the metropolis of Mashhad; According to this, the present study was conducted with the main purpose of a sociological study of the process of formation and continuation of the Qala-e-Khiaban neighborhood in Mashhad as one of the essential informal settlements

This research was conducted using an interpretive approach and qualitative research method and based on in-depth semi-structured interviews with 21 elites, residents, and informants from the Qala-e-Khiaban neighborhood. Data were collected using the snowball sampling method until the researcher reached theoretical saturation. Thematic analysis of the data collected in this research has confronted us with 82 sub-categories, 28 sub-categories, and 10 main categories.

The results showed that the policies of the government, the policies of urban management, the policies of Astan Quds, and the existence of the village of Qaleh-e-Khayban had prepared the necessary conditions for the initial formation of the neighborhood of Qaleh-e-Khayban. At different historical stages and due to developments and land reform policies, the war in Afghanistan, policies of destruction by the city administration, and the non-integration of excluded people in the society and economy of Mashhad have created and strengthened the migration of social and economic groups to Qala-e-Khayban neighborhood. Along with the spread of drought, the existence of anonymity and kinship ties and the expansion of informal jobs have led to the continuation and consolidation of marginalization and ultimately the formation of one of the most important suburbs of Mashhad.


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