Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 PhD researcher, University of Tehran

2 Faculty of Transportation, Isfahan University of Technology

3 Faculty of Transportation, University of Isfahan


The Transportation-Based Development (TOD) approach is a type of development of living and working spaces that is defined based on the distance from the public transportation station and the main users in this development are pedestrians who are at a distance of 400 to 800 meters or about 5 to 10 minutes' walk provides them with the ability to walk comfortably and safely. In TODI's approach, there is a range of use intensity and density and height of buildings; This means that in the areas closer to the station, it provides more services to pedestrians and less services to private cars. Near the station, more compaction and mixing of uses is required, and this intensity decreases as it moves away from the station. The TOD approach is a type of development with mixed-use, compact, and high density, defined by easy access to public transportation.

In Iran, the definition of TOD has been mistakenly reduced to a purely stationary place around the metro, and TOD projects have failed to meet the demands and expectations of the city. In this study, to answer the two main questions, i.e., which are the most appropriate urban metro stations for TOD implementation in Isfahan, and what is the right approach to achieve them, TOD indicators were developed. Additionally, by examining Isfahan’s capacities, areas that are suitable for the TOD approach were identified. By proposing the ranking algorithm and testing it, TOD potential areas in Isfahan metro have been prioritized. Darvaze- Dolat, Atiq Square and Azadi Square metro stations scored the highest points for TOD realization. Moreover, through the clustering method in Expert Choice software, a planning framework for TOD potential areas has been proposed.


Main Subjects

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