Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 University Of Tehran

2 University of Tehran


Resilience is a multidimensional concept and has been studied in many different disciplines including ecology, socio-ecological systems, social sciences and psychology. This concept has attracted more attention in recent years, especially in terms of urban planning. This concept is particularly highlighted when a city or community encounters threats such as natural hazards. To respond to these threats, a comprehensive resilience assessment is required to identify priority areas for disaster risk management. In this study, a systematic review method is used to review and analyze studies of resilience in Tehran, and then a systematic formulation is provided. The authors searched the SID and Magiran databases for studies related to urban resilience in Tehran using the keywords “resilience” and “urban resilience”. The PRISMA framework was used to select studies for systematic review, and ultimately 55 studies were included in the review. According to 49% of the studies, the level of resilience was different in urban areas of Tehran. Lack of equal access to municipal services due to their uneven distribution, Existence of worn-out fabrics and informal settlements in some areas and different financial ability and level of social participation of residents are among the main reasons for the variability of resilience in urban areas of Tehran. In addition, 38% of the studies concluded that the resilience situation in Tehran is unfavorable; in the meantime, informal settlements, dilapidated structures and the central part of Tehran had more unsuitable conditions. The results of this study are useful for city managers, crisis management, city council, NGOs and other organizations related to urban management.


Main Subjects

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