Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی



As the urban population increases in major cities of Iran, many of them face different issues. In Iran, new towns are built and located near cities to absorb their overflow population. Golbahar new town was built near Mashhad metropolis to reduce demographic, economic, social and physical problems of Mashhad, but in practice considering its goals, the town has not been able to reduce the problems of Mashhad metropolis. In this study, the relationship between the effects of living conditions on social, economic and physical aspects on the repopulation process in new towns has been investigated from the citizens' perspective. This study has been carried out in an empirical method and in some parts, descriptive-analytical methods have been applied; data collection was carried out using field methods (questionnaire) from a sample of 250 urban households. The study results show that there is a significant relationship between the living conditions and the repopulation process in the new towns from the citizens' perspective. They had a correlation coefficient of 0.570. Physical living conditions accounted for 35.7 percent of changes related to repopulation in new towns, and the living conditions in economic aspect only accounted for 20% of the dependent variable. Taking study results into account, the following guidelines were recommended for Golbahar new town: providing evenly distributed urban infrastructure and facilities and etc.
