Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran


Children's psychological preferences in urban space are among the essential principles in urban design, and children's preferences, which include paying attention, receiving, processing, and deciding on messages received from the environment, help the child's presence in urban space. Therefore, considering that children are among the vulnerable groups in society, so paying attention to their perception and wayfinding behavior has a significant place in urban design and planning. Children navigate according to the information received from the environment, and signs are one of the guiding tools in navigating children in urban spaces. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of symptoms in the wayfinding behavior of children 10-14 with emphasis on emotional intelligence in Sajjad neighborhood. The method used in the present study is applied in terms of purpose and survey nature. In this regard, in order to collect data, field observations, questionnaires and site visits have been used. The statistical population is 1310 people, which has been calculated by random sampling method and using Cochran's formula according to the population of children in the range of 297 people. Data analysis and evaluation of the effect of cues in the wayfinding process with emphasis on emotional intelligence were analyzed using statistical analysis including one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), dependent t-test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The results indicate that children 10-12 years old in the wayfinding process pay attention to the size and shape of buildings and children 14-12 years old also pay attention to the characteristics of contrast, prominence and unique buildings. Also, children who have higher emotional intelligence than other children have a significant focus on symptoms in the wayfinding process. Younger children have relatively poor emotional intelligence than older children and are less likely to use the apparent features of symptoms in wayfinding.


Main Subjects

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