Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Hakim Sabzevari University


Attention to the remaining areas of urban development is one of the most important problems facing all cities in the world, especially in less developed countries and the Third World. Urban regeneration policy is one of the newest methods of intervention in the old contexts and The issue of social capital is also raised as one of the pillars and requirements of the urban regeneration process. The main purpose of this study is to assess the indicators of social capital to examine the realization of the regeneration approach in the dilapidated fabric of Jaghtai city. Data were collected through two methods: documentary and field (questionnaire). Data were analyzed using mean comparison data, analysis of variance and correlation coefficient, one-sample t-test, and multivariate regression in SPSS software. Cronbach's alpha was used to test the reliability of the research and the SWOT technique was used to present the strategies. Is. The indicators of social capital that have been considered in this study include social participation, social trust, social awareness, social solidarity, social relations, and a sense of belonging to the environment. Also, the urban regeneration approach was measured in four dimensions of physical, social, economic, and human capacity components. The results show that the average social capital of the residents of the study neighborhood is lower than average. In the case of components of tuition regeneration, the mean of physical characteristics is lower than average and the mean of other components is above average and in good condition. Strategic results are more offensive, so it is suggested to use existing internal strengths to create and strengthen existing opportunities.


Main Subjects

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