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1 Civil Eng. Dep., Faculty of Engineering, University of Bojnord, Iran

2 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic Azad University of Mashhad, Iran

3 School of Environment, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

4 Hydraulic and Sanitation Department, Federal University of Parana, Curitiba, Brazil


One of the most important factors in the pollution of surface and groundwater resources is urban stormwater runoff. The aim of this research was to establish a practical relationship for estimating the quality of urban stormwater runoff across various land uses in cities. This study was conducted using a combined field and numerical research method. Three study paths were selected, consisting of areas with different urban land uses in Tehran city, and sampling points were determined according to maps and urban drainage structures. After 10 minutes of rainfall, runoff sampling was carried out at designated points, and the samples were transferred to the laboratory for measuring water quality parameters, including total suspended solids, total dissolved solids, chemical and biochemical oxygen demand, nitrate, and lead. Parameters such as acidity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, specific conductivity, and salt were determined on-site using measurement tools. The results indicated a significant relationship between land use and water quality variables (29% proportional increase). According to the results of this research, green spaces were found to be the primary influential factor in increasing the values of TDS, DO, EC, and salinity, with their values being nearly twice as high as other land uses. The highest impact, equivalent to 51%, for the water quality variables TSS, NO3, BOD5, COD, and Pb, was attributed to the percentage of administrative land use, and stormwater from areas with administrative land use had the highest chemical pollution (COD = 307 ppm). The results showed that green spaces with a 34% contribution were the most influential factor on water solids and nitrate, while transportation with a 29% contribution affected water solids and lead, as well as non-biodegradable organic variables. Population dynamics and land use had direct effects on the temperature and dissolved oxygen levels of stormwater. This research encourages urban managers and researchers to locally reuse urban stormwater before it is discharged to other regional collectors.


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