Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Faculty member of university of Guilan

2 Department of Urban Planning, University of Guilan


In the recent decade, the views of planners and theorists have changed from simple physical aspects to social, environment and interactive aspects. Considering the increasing development of cities and the tendency of citizens to use private vehicle, serious challenges for urban planners have emerged. The study of people's behaviors and attitudes is important because knowing these attitudes can make changes in related policies. The data of the descriptive-quantitative study was done through documentary and survey studies. In order to study the attitude of citizens and its impact on the use of public transportation system, questions were designed in the form of a questionnaire with a five-level Likert scale. Considering the population of Tehran, the size of the sample was calculated to be 384 people using the Cochran's formula. Due to the epidemic of Covid-19 and in order to observe the health protocols, an online questionnaire was used. To increase the reliability, 443 questionnaires were distributed online among the residents of Tehran. Data analysis of this study showed that the "environmental attitude" index was ranked as the first with an average of 3.69 and the following were "social attitudes", "economic attitudes" and "use public transportation" with an average of 3.58, 3.20 and 2.94, respectively. According to the modeling results, the economic attitude of citizens with a path coefficient of 0.475 has the main and most significant impact on the use of public transport.


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