Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 University of Tehran

2 Shahid Beheshti University

3 Islamic Research Foundation of Astan Qods Razavi, Mashhad, Iran


Shift of Paradigm in urbanplanningprogram from theflexibilityoftherule ofnon-governmental andbasedonphilosophicalrationalist state governance to a relativistic one, from prescriptive view to a cooperative one and finally from emphasis on results (product) to process. With a change in looktheadministration ofthecooperative with theemphasis onresults tofocuson the process(procedural) provides the necessarybackgroundforthediscussionofsocial capital. The purpose ofthis paper is expressing the necessity of measurement and empowerment of social capitals which are themajorelementsandneglected in the urbanplanningprograms, especiallyimprovement andempowerment of eroded urban fabricacase study oftheneighborhoodSarshoor(Mashhad). The present studywas investigativemethodsofsurvey and documental.Thisstudyuseddatafrom thequestionnaire and random sampleis obtained.Populationbased on2006censuspopulation of7560peoplehas been aneighborhoodSarshoor which is obtained asample sizeof270 and Percentconfidence was 90%. Bases on the analyzed which was done The resultsshowthelack ofaassociativerelations,The lowlevel ofparticipationandsocialcohesionandinstitutionaltrustat the macro levelandmiddle(urban management) arenegligibleTrust solely rely onthe personalandprivatesphere and remainswithin acceptable limits. Sowe can say thestatus ofneighborhoodsocial capitalSarshoor Exceptin exceptional caseswhichare relatedtotheold, traditional andsocial capital inmost cases, particularly incommunityrelationsandgrassrootsorganizationsoftheurban managementandinstitutionaltrustare the maincomponent ofthe councilwhichis notdesirable. Thehigherthe level ofthe family(relatives, friends, etc.) social capital makes less. Soinorder toimproveneighborhood,the firstissuethatmustberesolvedbefore anything is Custodians ofpublictrustand thebeneficiariesof thereformprojectandmunicipality, especially asone of theoriginalcostof interventionisto improvethespatial organization and rehabilitation of Sarshoor neighborhood.
