Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی



During the twentieth century, with growing urbanization and machinical transportation development, and migration people to cites, many different natural attractive places come to distort by this pollution and in another way this kind of development without notice to the natural factors limitation, made lots of programs. The goles of this research recognite geomorphologic limitation, in physical development of sounghor and suitable location in future development is done. In this research, library, athletics, study and 8 index(GIS) software based on logic fuzzy model, sounghors zoning physical development is don, than programmatic multipicate and fuzzy sum on lagers is done.
Research from final plan on fuzzy multipate in three area accepted that 4 percents of area in 14/5 km² in very suitable zone and 5 percent of area 21 km² in suitable zone and 91 percent around 390 km² located in unsuitable place. Most of suitable and very suitable land are in weast part of sounghor to Dashli blagh and Shur Abad village in way to sounghor to star road and other area toward west north sounghor Desert to Haje Amin castle.
