Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 zanjan university

2 ahvaz university


Security is fundamental right and prerequisite of upgrade welfare and health of the people. Sense of security is the key issues in any society and necessary introduction for the political and social military life. Sense of security was related citizens' mental sense of security and hence it accompanies many queries and issues around self about secure or insecure of it. Women's are vulnerable groups against insecurity. So study on social vulnerability of women is very important. The aim of this research was to recognition and design of multi-criterion decision-making approach process (MCDM) to assess the social security of women in crowded sidewalks of metropolitans. Sample size is 172 person for each pavement. Research method in the study is descriptive- analytical. Firstly, in the Research identified effective measures in the Social Security of Women in sidewalks and determine based on the hierarchical approach (AHP), circumstance and weight of each indicator and to rank of sidewalks with higher social security for women is used of VIKOR and TOPSIS models. The ranking results according to the evaluation criteria are caused to main criteria of social security for women be investigated and identified in the any sidewalk. The results based on Vikor model shows in order Abrasan, Shariati and Valiasr sidewalks have more social security for women the selection and weighting criteria based on AHP model, and Topsis model also shows that the Shariati, Abrasan and Valiasr sidewalks are more social security for women.


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