Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Eotvos Lorand University

2 University of Golestan


Extended Abstract
1. Introduction
When cities have the two virtual and real spaces, it is an urban population movement managing to provide peace and security to its citizens through rationalizing urban population movement. In an electronic city, information services are given with no temporal or spatial limit (Safari & Kanaani, 2007). The use of new technology and communications in municipality as a service-providing organ leads to the establishment of an extensive, integrated, and secure structure to provide urban services. Urban services include assessing all the needs of the people in the city in terms of providing urban services and increasing the welfare of citizens (Mousazadeh, Bazzi, Mirkatouli, & Farrokhzad, 2015). Gorgan, city is the capital of Golestan, is one of the most populated cities within the region. Every day, there is a massive movement of people across the city. Living in an electronic city will be time and money saving for both citizens and the government. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the feasibility of implementing an electronic city in the urban area of Gorgan.
2. Methodology
This research is descriptive-analytical using survey method. Delphi method is used for the use of urban experts’ opinions. The statistical population of the present study includes experts in the field of urban management and information technology in Gorgan. Since the correct number of the study population is not available, an estimated number of 70 people were selected. Finally, the data were collected through a questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS software in an attempt to find the best solution to implement an electronic city in Gorgan.
3. Results
Regarding the feasibility of the implementation of an electronic city in Gorgan, 20 factors influencing the development of the electronic city have been considered. In fact, the impact of these factors has been measured by experts. In addition, the Chi-Square test has been used to examine the components which were used to measure the use of information technology in Gorgan from the viewpoint of experts and managers. With regard to the results, it can be said that in relation to most of the components of information and communication technology, the infrastructure has been launched from the viewpoint of experts and managers. The findings of the multivariate regression coefficient show the impact of the components of creating a suitable environment for encouraging investors in the information technology sector, expanding computer and internet education to all classes of society, helping protect the privacy of the individuals, making the commitment of urban macro management to building an electronic city, having suitable control, monitoring the system, long-term strategic thinking at the macro level of the country, the most important factors are the creation and formation of electronic city in Gorgan.
4. Conclusion
Gorgan, the capital of Golestan, is one of the densely populated cities of the region with many offices throughout the province which has a massive population movement from all over the city every day. Thus, if the electronic city is established, it will save time and money for citizens and the government. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to examine the feasibility of implementing an electronic city in the urban area of Gorgan. The statistical population of the present study includes experts and managers of urban management and information technology in Gorgan. However, since the correct number of the study population is not available, an estimated number of 70 were selected to administer the researchers’ made questionnaire. Finally, the data were analyzed using SPSS software and the best solution to establish the electronic city in Gorgan was presented. The results of the regression test indicate that there is a significant relationship between the component of computer and internet education in all sectors of society and the long-term strategic thinking at the macro level of the country with the formation of the electronic city. The Beta coefficient explicitly demonstrates the above relationship.
Depending on the Beta coefficient the following suggestions are made in order to establish an electronic city in Gorgan.
• Creating the culture of using computers and the internet among all classes of Gorgan
• Compulsory payment of bills and installments via the internet and information technology
• Have a comprehensive and strategic plan for the development of the electronic city in the long run
• Establishment of working groups in Gorgan governorate and municipality for the development of information and communication technology
• Establishing appropriate infrastructure for the development of information and communication technology in the city


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