Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Tabiz University


Extended abstract
1. Introduction
The main aim of this research is to study the relationship between the variable of land price and building density in the first zone of Tabriz megalopolis so that a proper understanding of the study of building density, recognizing the potentials of development, height increase and determining the final potential of the neighborhood and areas of the first zone of Tabriz municipality and the most important point of building density, that is economical facet with land is acquired The hypothesis was that having in mind that there is a relationship between building density with the most important subject of density, that is economical facet with land price, it seems that there is a direct and positive relationship between land price and building density in the studied area.
In the principles of the research, the concepts of building density and land property have been studied. Building density is one of the most important subjects in urban planning, in such a way that, in every work done on urban management, we can see a hint on density. Building density is the ratio of the building foundation to the area of the land.
Land and housing as an asset. Or in some instances as an investing asset, are heavily influences by the economical characteristics of a city and the influences of the different factors affecting the city economics are reflected in land and housing prices.
2. Methodology
The research is functional regarding the aim and is analytical, explorative and based on field study regarding the essence. Secondary data has been acquired using library methods and primary data has been acquired from real estate agents. The research equipment is based on Pierson method. After gathering data from library and field methods, these data will be organized using a GIS base and will be classified according to the need and byusing these bases, the map of the area will be produced and for drawing the tables Excel.13 software has been used.
3. Results
The results showed that there is a significant and direct positive correlation between price and building density in every time and place. This coefficient is .697 for the first period (2006-2011) and .724 for the second one (2011-2015). So, the increase of land price in the areas studied will increase the height of buildings and will also boost buildinf sky-scrapers.
If we look at the review of the related literature, in spite of the fact that the researchers have not had grappled with this subject directly, all the results of them are quite the same and they show that there is a direct relationship between land price and building density. That is, the higher the price of the land, the more the building density will be. Of course, it is possible to have a reversal relationship in other areas which is need of comparative study.
According to the studies and collected information in this study, the lack of balanced urban facilities among the neighborhoods in the first region of Tabriz is visible, which causes a large difference in land prices and housing between the neighborhoods of this area. This is contrary to urban justice.
In Tabriz, as one of the metropolises in Iran, the cost of buying land or so-called dilapidated has been close to 50% of the whole cost of building housing, which means that land is considered as the main building component. According to this, the average price per square meter of land in Tabriz 1, especially in the eastern part, reaches 7 million tomans, while the share of land price in construction and per square meter of residential construction is almost equal With one million USD; Therefore, Taking into account the level of land occupancy in each building, the level of density in each building construction and the fact that the price of the land is calculated based on all the foundation, the price of per square meter of land reaches about one fifth in each square meter of residential construction. This fact clearly indicates the full correlation between land prices and construction density even when the cost of land price is prorated in the number of construction floors.
4. Conclusion
According to Researchers of the current research approved the hypothesis but because of the probability of inverse conclusions in other areas, we are in need of further comparative research. Some suggestions, in two areas, are proposed for the use of urban managers and academics:
• It is a necessity that urban facilities and services be distributed in an equal and balanced way so that sharp increase in land and house price can be prohibited.
• -Forming of a commission for setting land and house price in each area to prevent sharp increase in land price in some of the neighborhoods.
• Urban organizations’, like municipality, monitoring on land transactions and building construction for preventing land dealing.
• -Proposing a functional method in calculating the maximum building density and at the same time, respecting the characteristics of housing blocks.
• Studying comparatively the relationship between the variable of land price and building density in other areas.


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