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1 Msc in Urban Planning, Faculty of architecture and urban planning,University of Art, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor in Urban Planning, Faculty of architecture and urban planning, University of Art, Tehran, Iran


Urban management is a necessity in integrating and coordinating the urban system. One of the requirements of efficient and effective urban management is moving towards good urban governance, which is impossible without the three components of transparency, accountability and participation. One of the proposed solutions in order to increase public trust and create greater interactions with citizens for municipal management bodies and specifically municipality and the Islamic council of the city, is preparing a set of transparency instructions for the performance of urban management system. Instructions promotes transparency and raises public awareness towards governmental and nongovernmental organizations. In other words, transparency is a constructive element in raising trust in organizations, which will be able to bridge the gap between urban management authorities and the public. The main components of this instruction are economic information, citizenship, laws, regulations supervision, control, human resources, and urban studies. The research saught to do an applied study through survey research method. In this research, interview with experts and professors in urban management was used to collect data, and MAXQDA software was used for data analysis. The findings of the study indicate that the level of transparency in urban management of the country and the city of mashhad is inadequate, and to solve this problem, preparing a comprehensive instruction for transparency is manatory. Finally, the aforementioned transparency instruction was adapted for use in Mashhad’s urban management system by conducting interviews, analyzing interviews data, and reviewing documents, laws, and regulations.



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