Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Farabi Campus, University of Tehran, Iran,

2 MA in Business Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Farabi Campus, University of Tehran, Iran


Cultural andartistic events and ritual festivals are among important factors of attracting tourists. Iran has many remarkable tourism attractions but Ghamsar has aspecial status among them as it is one of the most significant ones hosting many tourists every day. The city is one of the most attractive hosting cities for tourists in spring and summer to see its natural and historical attractions and to visit rosewater-making festival which is an ancient custom. This study sought to explore the effects of event advertisements on the attitudes of tourists towards the city and their purposes. This is an applied study that used a descriptive and survey method. Population consisted of all local and foreign tourists visiting Ghamsar’s rosewater-making festival in May 2018. From among the visitors, 384 tourists were selected using convenience sampling. Questionnaire was used to get the data. For measuring and confirming the validity and reliability of the questionnaire, construct and convergent validities were applied. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used for reliability and the data were analyzed using structural equation modeling technique, SPSS, and LISREL. The results showed that high correspondence between the image of a special event and hosting city has a positive effect on the tourists’ attitudes towards the hosting city and their purposes of visiting and, also, the tourists’ attitudes towards the hosting city has a positive effect on choosing the famous city. Moreover, the visiting purpose of the hosting city has a positive effect on choosing the famous city.  



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