Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Urban Planning Department, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch, Mashhad, Iran


Today, cities are like a large and complex organization, where citizens are considered the main element of the organization. Organizational citizenship behavior as extra-role behavior can effectively improve the tasks and roles of organizations. Considering the importance of cities in terms of the influence of urban planning on organizational citizenship behavior, there is a need to identify the components of organizational citizenship behavior in cities. Therefore, the aim of this descriptive research is identifying and prioritizing the components. Data collection was done using library studies and 384 questionnaires. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed using the opinion of several experts in this field and the reliability of the questionnaire is based on Cronbach's alpha. Data analysis was done using confirmatory factor analysis method and the prioritization was based on Friedman test. The results show that there is a significant correlation among the main variables including motivation, response, stimulus, reinforcement and attitude. The motivation and response variables have a higher priority among other variables, so the results indicate that, in prioritizing the behavioral components of the organizational citizenship in the urban planning system, managers and urban planners should consider citizens’ motivation of Mashhad in urban planning.


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