Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Islamic Azad University

2 Urmia


The ever increasing population of cities and the migration of people to cities has created many changes in the spatial structures of cities. Some models like smart growth have been proposed to control and improve the situation. The model emphasizes increasing urban density, changing land uses, and reducing car uses. Using a descriptive-analytical method and considering 63 indicators of economic, social, physical, environmental, and accessibility aspects, this study explored the situation of all four urban areas of Yasuj, regarding indicators of smart city growth. TOPSIS model was used for ranking and cluster analysis model was used for leveling the neighborhoods. The results of the study showed that onnly Area 1 of Yasuj has indicators of smart city growth and other areas of the city (i.e., Area 2, 3, and 4) lack these indicators. According to the TOPSIS model, Area 3 and 4 have some of the indicators and Area 2 lacks the indicators. Moreover, the results showed that, based on the integrated indicators of smart growth, amongst 23 neighborhoods of Yasuj, Neighborhood 17 has all the indicators, Neighborhood 3 has most of them, Neighborhood 22 has half of the indicators, and other neighborhoods are deprived in this regard. The results of regression analysis showed that environmental and physical indicators (land use) with 95% confidence have a significant relationship with the dependent variable (indicators of integrated urban growth of neighborhoods of Yasuj). The results of the analysis of the neighborhoods regarding the integration indicator show that officials should pay attention to smart city growth model.


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