Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی




Socio-cultural spaces in line with historical spaces of cities have great impact on creating an urban brand with the aim of achieving the development of creative social spaces having various functions. The aim would be recreating the economy based on the historical texture of cities as a spiritual and urban heritage. The historical part of Sanandaj with its abundant historical and cultural elements and having social activities, markets, identity spaces, and valuable monuments, acts as the heart of this city. The study aimed to analysis branding spaces prone to urban creative development with the aim of economic regeneration of the city. The applied research used a descriptive-analytical method. The sample consisted of 225 people, selected randomly using Cochran's formula. The study is based on a combination of AHP and multivariable regression analysis using SPSS. Two concepts of "urban creativity and urban branding", which have been studied as hypothetical concepts in two alternative situations and 27 indicators based on the score and relative importance. According to the results, it was determined that the indicators of historical places, cultural heritage, customs and traditions, and art-friendliness have the highest importance and impact on the branding and development of creative social spaces for recreating economy based on the historical texture of Sanandaj.


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