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1 Master of Urban Design. Department of Urban planning, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran.

2 Advancement in Architecture and Urban Planning Research Center, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran.


Adopting a cultural approach in urban planning means emphasizing the cultural meaning of space, along with its form and content. Accordingly, culture-based regeneration seeks to balance the various dimensions of city from the perspective of culture. With an interdisciplinary approach, this research looking at the literature of urban culture and regenerational practice, seeks to link the culture-based perspective in regenerational action in historical fabrics. This descriptive and analytical research is based on grounded theory. Semi-structured interviewes were conducted with 15 current and former residents and experts of the Ghanbar Ali Beig neighborhood. Analysis was done usin MAXQDA 2018 software and triple codings; based on the results of interviews, in the first level, 312 categories and in the next step, first 50 conceptual spectrums and after compression in the second level, 10 important categories were obtained. Finally, the main categories are attachment to the hometown and interest in preserving it, event-oriented, changing the demographic structure in terms of ethnicity along with the social adaptation of new and native residents, the prevalence and prosperity of business near the neighborhood, maintaining the tradition of daily water use, preserving collective identity and memories, spreading the culture of Larestan and contributing to the cultural economy of the city, dissatisfaction with the physical condition, incompatible land uses with the historical identity of the fabric, unity and empathy between the resident and former residents. The core category is "continuity of life and cultural unity of the neighborhood". Accordingly, the action application is presented.


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