Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 MA in Urban Management, School of Urban Planning, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran,Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor School of Urban Planning, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran.Tehran, Iran


The conflict of interests in the use of land in urban fringe is one of the inherent characteristics of the world's metropolises, which in most cases leads to land speculation. Because the official definition of fringe for Tehran, Iran's capital, did not appear to be efficient, the way Tehran deals with its fringe is expected to differ from that of other cities in the country in approved urban development documents. Previous surveys and records indicate that this territory is home to a diverse range of interest groups with legal and illegal ties in the rural-urban fringe. The current study aimed to identify and analyze the interest groups that use their power or interest in the capital's (Tehran's) urban fringe to increase their authority and influence. The article's research method is descriptive-analytical. It was analyzed by reviewing the available literature on the urban fringe, identifying and analyzing the stakeholders of the capital's urban fringe using the power/interest matrix, and then analyzing it using interviewes and questionnaires. According to the study's findings, the capital's urban fringe stakeholders are divided into four categories: the governmental-state sector, the public sector, the private sector, and popular groups, each of which has other key stakeholders. The study shows that the public and private sectors have the most power and interest. The research demonstrates that the public and private sectors have the most power and interest. Governmental-state stakeholders, however, are just a portion of the stakeholders of the popular organizations, despite having tremendous power and influence and reaping the little financial reward which has the least power and interest.


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