Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Professor Assistant, Dpartment of urban planning, University of Guilan

2 Master of Urban Design, Department of Urban Planning, Deylaman Institute for Higher Education

3 Master student of Urbanism - Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Art, University of Guilan


Nowadays, with the unplanned urban growth and the subsequent increase in the use of cars, the role of pedestrians in urban spaces is gradually diminishing. This has reduced the vitality of public spaces for social interactions in cities. The present study aimed to investigate the level and quality of social interactions in the cultural pedestrian zone of Rasht city and the role of third places in creating social interactions and increasing the level of social interactions in tourism development. The applied study  used a descriptive method. A questionnaire with a Likert scale was used to collect the data. Moreover, one-sample t-test, factor analysis, and Pearson's correlation coefficient were used for analyzin the data. The 51-item questionnaire used in this study measures the quality of third places, identity, destination attractiveness and social interactions in Alamolhoda pedestrian zone. The sample included 384 people using Cochran's formula. The questionnaire reliability is obtained at 0.897 by Cronbach's alpha test. The correlation findings for all three tests are an acceptable value and show that the components “place identity”, “pedestrian zone quality”, and “third places” have a significant impact on the development of tourism in the area. The most important implication of the present study is explaining the synergistic relationship between the development of third places and tourism. Therefore, the status of third places in urban planning and urban tourism planning should be emphasized in our country. Increasing third places' environmental and cultural qualities will eventually lead to increasing social diversity, interaction between citizens and tourists, and sustainable incomes.


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