Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 MA, Department of Urbanism, Maziar University, Royan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran


Different amount of social capital in different urban planning and designing would significantly enhance the quality of urban life. In high levels of social capital, the social interaction among residents will boost, and convention and the feel of belonging to the neighborhood will influence. The condition in itself will intrigue development. The study aimed at boosting social capital through spatial planning in selected urban neighborhoods of Sari city, Iran. It tried to answer the question that what considerations and strategies of spatial planning can enhance social capital. The applied research uses a mixed method of survey and document studies. The data on evaluating the social capital in selected neighborhoods were gathered through questionnaires filled by residents, exploring documents and field observations. The data were analyzed using statistics tests, map analysis regarding the criteria of the theoretical framework. Using force field analysis technique, a synopsis and suggestions were provided. The results indicated that the amount of social capital and its difference in terms of the level in the studied neighborhoods show the influence of difference of formation and physical differences in neighboring neighborhoods. Moreover, connectivity, diversity, security, and feature may influence the amount of capital of urban neighborhoods. So, such issues will help the enhance of social capital: increase in the per capita of green space and public space, variety in passages, considering the quality of footpaths, making signs, appropriate distribution of services, boosting public transportation, and considering local facilities with an expanded access to provide security.


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