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1 Postgraduate student in Urban Design at Art University of Isfahan

2 Academic staff at Art University of Isfahan


Urban spaces as places for the emergence of optional and necessary social behaviors of residents, affect the quality of urban life as well as the social behaviors of citizens. Some of the interventions, carried out in urban squares in the form of improving plans without sufficient attention to the compatibility of the behavioral patterns and physical structures, have led to the formation of inappropriately unlivable spaces. The proportion of the physical structures to the behavioral patterns in the form of place-behavior or behavioral sites is an important issue in improving the quality of urban spaces. This study aimed to assess the degree of synomorphy of the behavioral sites which are based of the indicators on Barker's theoretical framework and answering the question: How much and how different is the synomorphy of environment and behavior in the studied urban spaces (squares)? Using the observation and behavioral mapping techniques, a descriptive-evaluative methodology was applied. Naghsh Jahan Square and Imam Ali Square in Isfahan were selected as cases due to their special status in the history of the city, although they are different in terms of their performance. The behaviors were investigated in three time periods of morning (8-11), noon (12-14) and evening (18-21), in a quarterly period, based on physical criteria and their effects on the environment in the form of normal (environmentally compatible) and abnormal (environmentally incompatible) behaviors. The study suggests some solutions for strengthening behavioral sites. The results showed more synomorphes in Naghsh Jahan Square for the optional activities, while more necessary and transitory activities in Imam Ali Square. Creating fence confinements, attractive view corridors, active and lively walls, ability to perform selective and informal activities, being green, night lighting, feeling of comfort and security, sense of belonging and identity in Naghsh Jahan have made it more suitable for selective behaviors compared to Imam Ali Square.


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