Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 PhD Researcher in Urbanism, Urban Planning Department, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor in Urban Planning Department, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Social sustainability that is affected by social and institutional components includes various indicators. One of this components is creating interactive relationship between citizens and social institution in civil society. The dynamic of this relationship is formed via social institutions and groups’ activities. Urban management can be a facilitator and intermediary institution between citizens and government. In order to realize the social sustainability, it seems that we need to create an interactive relationship between citizens and urban management. The aim of this study was developing a structural model based on the “social indicators test” in Isfahan. Using confirmatory factor analysis, it proposed a five-index model for measuring the interactive relationship between citizens and urban management. Regarding the history of implementing the cultural projects such as Citizen Culture Committee, social capital studies, etc. in Isfahan, the level of social awareness and demands among citizens is remarkable. 1806 citizens were selected in different groups from all neighborhoods of Isfahan to check this pseudo-theory. There are influencing factors that strengthen the relations between citizens and urban management in five indicators. A factor model is drawn in Amos software and the pseudo-theory is tested by a questionnaire in order to confirm or reject the proposed pseudo-theory. The results showed that the value of CMIN/DF is 3.13, the value of CFI is 0.942, and the value of RMSEA is 0.034. All the results indicated that the structural model of this study is confirmed. The results showed that the indicators social participation, social awareness, social trust, social satisfaction and social demands are effective in creating an interactive relationship between citizens and urban management, so they can be used as a tool to strengthen social sustainability in the interactive relationship.


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