Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 payame noor university

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Geography, Payame Noor University

3 zanjan university

4 marand azad university


In recent decades, the lack of urban-rural relations in a balanced and rational context has caused a huge flood of rural migration to cities on the one hand and the inefficiency of the management and planning system on the other hand.  Therefore, most cities in Iran are facing acute social, economic and environmental problems and have disability tissues. Identifying such areas is the first essential step in managing and empowering them. The purpose of this study was to identify and prioritize neighborhoods in need of urban regeneration in District 10 of Tabriz metropolis. Using indicators in various dimensions of social, economic, physical and environmental, this study attempted to identify areas and neighborhoods in need of regeneration. The data used in this research were mainly obtained through the census of the Statistics Center in 2016 for urban blocks and from spatial data related to the development plan of Tabriz urban areas. For this purpose, GIS and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) model were used to identify and prioritize areas in need of regeneration. The results showed that there is a deep gap between some neighborhoods of Tabriz in terms of socio-economic conditions and access to service spaces. So that Mohammadieh, Rezvanshahr and Sharbatzadeh neighborhoods were identified the highest frequent in terms of inefficient spaces and in need of reconstruction, respectively, and social indicators compared to other indicators had the greatest impact on identifying neighborhoods.


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