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Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran


Rapid unprecedented development of urbanization has changed the balance of socio-environmental issues and making informal settlements and inefficient urban structures and as a result. The approach of urban regeneration approach tries to improve the inefficiency through positive and sustainable changes. Considering the issues, this study tried to identify the main drivers affecting the urban regeneration in Zahedan city, using futures study method. The statistical population of this mixed-method documentary and survey included managers, employees and members of active institutions that play a role in the regeneration, management, and development of cultural affairs of the city. Library and field studies were used to collect the data. Moreover, structural analysis, Delphi technique, and MIC MAC were used for data analysis. Based on the results of the structural analysis model, 10 indicators were selected as the main indicators that affect urban regeneration of Zahedan city: Seven indicators belong to the managerial-institutional and legal variable group, two indicators belong to the socio-cultural variable group and one indicator belong to the environmental and physical variables. Therefore, the key variable in urban regeneration of Zahedan is the administrative-institutional and legal variable. Among suggestions are: improving expertise in the municipality, integrating different policies of different departments, emphasizing the existence of a coordinating center for urban policies and planning, formulating service evaluation standards for urban management, obliging all official and unofficial institutions to cooperate with urban regeneration.


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