Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 PhD student, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Semnan Branch, Semnan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran


The importance of maintaining urban furniture in many cities of Iran is considered as one of the most important issues of urban planners and beautifiers. Sufficient attention to elements such as proper design, dimensions, placement and appropriate supervision can be effective in reducing destructive behaviours. For this purpose, this research, with the aim of better identifying these elements, tried to design a suitable model. The statistical population of the study consisted of people over 18, living in Semnan city, in 2022. The sample in the Delphi section consisted 11 experts of university experts and officials of Semnan urban beautification organization. For the model test, 386 people over 18 years of age living in Semnan city were selected in a larger statistical sample. The data were collected through a researcher-made questionnaire. Data analysis was done using SPSS, Delphi techniques, and interpretive structural modeling. The results showed that the elements affecting the strengthening and maintenance of urban furniture equipment include four main dimensions of design, supervision, psychological factors, and proper placement. In the interpretative structural modeling section, it was also determined that the induction of sense of belonging is the most influential factor and such factors as form, fitting with needs, warning signs, quick fixing of defects, environment friendliness, response to the needs, and ease of use are the most influential ones.


Main Subjects

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