Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran

2 University of Tehran



The pattern of physical development is one of the important and key issues of the 21st century in connection with the discussion of city sustainability. This pattern is defined as the pattern of spatial development of human activities at a certain point in time and is classified into two general categories: scattered or horizontal expansion and compact pattern. It is essential to know the pattern of physical development of the city and evaluate the pattern of its compression and dispersion in order to guide it in the direction of urban sustainability development. Because nowadays most researchers believe that there is a significant relationship between the physical development pattern of the city and sustainability. Based on this, the main goal of the research is to analyze the physical-spatial development pattern of Yasouj city using satellite image processing and quantitative models. Research methodology is a combination of deductive and inductive methods. The findings of the research indicate that during the last four decades (1400-1370), the maximum amount of physical development of Yasouj city was in the northwest, west and south directions. On the other hand, the results indicate that the growth rate of the physical development of the city is higher than the growth rate of the urban population. Also, the pattern of physical growth of Yasouj city during the period of 2015-2015 has a horizontal and spiral development pattern, and the maximum amount of horizontal physical development is related to 2015 with an entropy coefficient equal to 1.33. Therefore, the control and monitoring of urban constructions in the north-west and west axis and the management of the settlement of immigrants can be an important strategy in guiding the physical development of Yasouj city.


Main Subjects