Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


1 M.Sc., Department of Architecture, Urmia Branch, Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Urmia Branch, Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran.



Cultural collections are established in order to preserve, expand and maintain the cultural and social achievements of a society. In today's world, one of the main and most important goals for education, is creating growth, promoting and elevating culture to provide a suitable platform for its transmission in society. The purpose of this descriptive, analytical and comparative causal research is to investigate the environmental and architectural factors influencing the promotion of social interactions in the cultural complexes of Urmia city. The investigated collections included four cultural complexes in the city of Urmia, and using the opinions of architecture professors and students who have experience in these places, the effective environmental and architectural factors in these collections were evaluated. The statistical population included 200 architecture professors and students who were selected through targeted and accessible sampling. The results of the research show that the outer form had the greatest effect, and then the interior space, sociability and the quality of the environment respectively had an effect on social interactions in these collections. Design is very important in architecture and emphasizing the use of geometry and proportions, paying attention to legibility and invitingness in the building, quality of materials and precision in the correct and practical use of additional elements, attention to spatial communication in the collection, quality of furniture and emphasis on comfort and the comfort of users, creating spaces with high sociability and paying attention to spatial diversity in design, creating pause and hangout spaces and considering the functionality of spaces, paying attention to security, the comfort of users in the external environment and paying attention to the furniture of the area and landscaping has an effect on improving social interactions in the cultural complexes of Urmia.


Main Subjects