Document Type : علمی - پژوهشی


Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning Department, Kosar University of Bojnord, Bojnord, Iran



Today, due to the explosive increase of the population of cities around the world, urban planners are looking for new solutions to overcome these problems. One of the new concepts to reduce the problems of the cities in the field of urban planning is the development of a smart city, which in the last few years has been very much noticed. Therefore, the study seeks to analyze the spatial relationship of smart city indicators and the livability of cities in the neighborhoods of Arak city. The required data has been collected through library and survey methods. After EXCEL analysis, they data has been entered into GIS software and spatially has been analyzed using multivariate regression in the form of GWR model. The statistical sample of the research are 384 citizens of Arak city. The results show that the status of the smart city indicators is in an unfavorable condition and the peripheral areas of the city are in a weaker condition. Also, the livability indicators of Arak do not have a favorable condition, so that most of the neighborhoods have an average score lower than 3. Also, the results of the spatial analysis of the GWR model show that based on the R2 statistic, the relationship between the independent variable (city smartening) and the dependent variable (urban livability) in the economic and social indicators are 76% and 67% respectively. The smartness indicators can have a high impact on the livability of the neighborhoods of Arak, especially in the eastern, southern and southwestern areas of the city. Also, the R2 statistic show that the influence of smart city indicators on the physical and environmental dimensions, variable of the livability of the Arak neighborhoods is in an average condition of 50%.


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