نوع مقاله : علمی - پژوهشی


1 استادیار معماری، دانشکده معماری و شهرسازی، دانشگاه بین المللی امام خمینی (ره)، قزوین، ایران.

2 کارشناسی ارشد برنامه‌ریزی شهری، گروه شهرسازی دانشکده هنر و معماری، دانشگاه گیلان، رشت، ایران.

3 دانشجوی کارشناسی ارشد معماری منظر، دانشگاه بین المللی امام خمینی (ره)، قزوین، ایران.


منظر شهرها تبلور کالبدی ویژگی‌های ملموس و ناملموس محیط است. درک و شناخت نظام پیچیده‌ی زیبایی‌شناسی ویژگی‌های محیط بر مبنای تعامل میان انسان و محیط پایه‌گذاری می‌شود. این موضوع در میدان‌های شهری به عنوان کانون تجمع عملکردی، از اهمیت ویژه‌ای برخوردار است. با توجه به موقعیت قرارگیری سبزه‌میدان قزوین در محدوده تاریخی و فرهنگی شهر و دسترسی مناسب، بررسی و ارزیابی ویژگی‌های محیطی و زیبایی‌شناسی آن مورد توجه است. روش در این پژوهش از نوع توصیفی-تحلیلی است. در این راستا به منظور ارزیابی و تحلیل مؤلفه‌های تأثیرگذار در زیبایی‌شناسی منظر سبزه‌میدان شهر قزوین در این پژوهش، مجموعه‌ی 25 مؤلفه‌ی شناسایی شده در هر دو بعد عینی و ذهنی با استفاده از روش دلفی، با مشارکت 20 نفر از خبرگان بررسی و تأیید شده است. در ادامه وزن‌دهی مؤلفه‌ها با استفاده از روش انتروپی شانون انجام شده و با استفاده از مدل تصمیم‌گیری چندمعیاره تاپسیس، مؤلفه‌ها رتبه‌بندی و ارزیابی شده‌اند. در نتیجه «سرزندگی»، «خاطرات جمعی»، «حس‌مکان»، «غنای حسی»،  «حضور‌پذیری» و «اصالت و هویت» به‌ترتیب به‌عنوان مهم‌ترین‌ مؤلفه‌ها شناسایی و رتبه‌بندی شده‌اند. مؤلفه‌های ذهنی از بالاترین درجه اهمیت برخوردار هستند. در دیدگاه زیبایی‌شناسانه منظر، مؤلفه‌های بعد عینی به عنوان عناصر تشکیل دهنده بستر منظر سبزه‌میدان شهر قزین نیز حائز اهمیت هستند. بنابراین در فرآیند ادراک و ارزیابی منظر سبزه‌میدان، همواره دو بعد ذهنی و عینی به صورت مکمل یکدیگر وجود دارند.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Assessment of the Aesthetic Components of the Urban Landscape (Case Study: Sabzeh Meydan of Qazvin)

نویسندگان [English]

  • Reza Jafariha 1
  • Ghazaleh Heydari 2
  • Zahra Lak 3

1 Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran.

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چکیده [English]

Extended Abstract
1. Introduction
Paying attention to urban public spaces as a gathering place for the public has always been of great significance. In this regard, squares are considered to be among the most influential urban spaces. The landscape of cities is the physical manifestation of the tangible and intangible features of environments. Understanding the complicated, aesthetic system of the characteristics of an environment relies on the interaction between man and the environment. This issue is of particular significance in urban squares as a central place of functional gatherings. The main concern of this study was exploring and evaluating the aesthetic dimension of the cities’ landscapes. Only a few studies have focused on the elements and variables of this issue. Given that Sabzeh Meidan of Qazvin (a square in Qazvin) is located in the historical and cultural area of this city and it is easily accessible, doing such study that focuses on its subjective and aesthetic characteristics is of great significance.
2. Method
The study employed a descriptive-analytical and mixed methods. In the qualitative phase it is descriptive in quantitative phase it is analytical research. In order to analyze and evaluate the influential components in the aesthetics of the landscape of Sabzeh Meidan of Qazvin, 25 components were identified and categorized into objective and subjective dimensions using the Delphi method. They were scrutinized and approved by 20 experts. Then, the components were weighted using the Shannon entropy method. Moreover, using Topsis technique (a multi-criteria decision-making model), the components were ranked and evaluated.
Data was collected through questionnaire and Delphi technique. Through a purposive sampling, a panel was formed of university professors and a group of specialists active in the field of landscape and urban planning living in Qazvin. Twenty people participated in the research.
Topsis technique was used to analyze and evaluate the components. Topsis is a multi-criteria decision-making technique that ranks the components based on the ratio of distance to the ideal and anti-ideal option. For doing this, the weight of each component is calculated. The weighting of the components was done using the Shannon entropy method. In the next step, the Topsis technique was used to prioritize the components and select the most important one. Here, “ideal solution” or “similarity to ideal solution” are raised. The ideal in this method means that it is defined as the best option considering all issues. In reality, the best option does not exist, an attempt is made to determine the best and most ideal.
3. Results
The analysis of the data showed that the subjective criteria for measuring the aesthetic landscape of Sabzeh Meidan of Qazvin from the perspective of architecture and urban planning experts, have a higher priority compared to objective criteria. In this research, a set of subjective and objective components were approved and put into effect by the Delphi panel. Besides the subjective definition of landscape of Sabzeh Meidan, the physical definition of the square was considered. Consequently, “liveliness”, “collective memories”, “sense of place”, “sensory richness”, “presence”, and “authenticity and identity”, respectively, were identified and ranked as the most significant components. Subjective components are of the highest significance. From the aesthetic perspective of the landscape, the components of the objective dimension as the constructing elements of the landscape of Sabzeh Meidan of Qazin are of significance. It should be noted that the process of perception and evaluation of the Sabzeh Meidan landscape, both subjective and objective dimensions always exist as complementary to each other.
4. Discussion and Conclusion
This study comprehensively investigated the components that affect the aesthetic concept of the landscape of Sabzeh Meidan of Qazvin. Considering the conceptual framework, it entails 25 components that were formulated, evaluated, and analyzed. This research should be considered a new one in terms of taking the appropriate method, emphasizing the remarkable components of objective and subjective dimensions for aesthetic study of the landscape and its evaluation.
The city landscape is an objective and subjective concept that shows and perceives the visual and subjective values of the city and makes the ground for aesthetic experiences of the environment. It shows that there is not any particular focus on the subjective or perceptual and physical or visual aspects. Landscape aesthetics can be defined by various factors of objective and subjective dimensions. In this research, with the aim of evaluating the aesthetic landscape of Sabzeh Meidan of Qazvin, the components affecting the aesthetics were ranked using the Topsis technique.
The following suggestions are presented provided for future research, landscape designers, and urban officials:
A) Regarding urban landscape design and evaluation, both the subjective and objective aspects of aesthetic components should be considered simultaneously;
B) Due to the lack of similar cases for aesthetic evaluation of urban landscapes, it is suggested that the applied research in this regard be done taking different expert-oriented and people-oriented approaches so that their results can be a guide for urban officials and designers;
C) Regarding the evaluation and improvement of Sabzeh Meidan of Qazvin, it is suggested that the components of “coherence and continuity”, “unity”, “order”, “diversity”, and “visual proportions and geometry” be taken into more consideration so that the quality of the square landscape increases and have a greater impact on the urban space.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Keywords: Landscape
  • Landscape of Urban Square
  • Landscape Esthetics
  • Sabzeh Meidan
  • Qazvin
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