نوع مقاله : علمی - پژوهشی


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توجه به توسعه کالبدی شهر، یک ضرورت اساسی در برنامه‌های توسعه شهری محسوب می‌شود. در ایران گسترش سریع فیزیکی شهرها در قالب رشد بدون برنامه و ناموزون در راستای علل مختلف ازجمله مهاجرت‌های بی‌رویه یکی از مشکلات اساسی شهرها محسوب شده که پدیده‌ای تحت عنوان پراکنده رویی از نتایج رشد این‌گونه است. پراکنده رویی شهری و آثار متعدد اقتصادی و زیست‌محیطی آن، صاحب‌نظران مسائل شهری را به کنکاش جهت یافتن راهبردهایی برای مقابله با این امر واداشت. یکی از این راهبردها، نظریه رشد هوشمند است. رشد هوشمند استراتژی عاقلانه‎ای برای جهت دادن به پراکندگی به سمت پایداری و توسعه‌ی هدفمند است. هدف از پژوهش حاضر ارزیابی شاخص‌های رشد هوشمند در مناطق شهر ساری است.تحقیق حاضر به لحاظ هدف از نوع کاربردی است. روش تحقیق با توجه به ماهیت مساله موردمطالعه، توصیفی- تحلیلی است. برای تحلیل داده­ها، افزون بر استناد به مطالعات اسنادی و کتابخانه‌ای از روش‌های تحلیل آماری استفاده‌شده و درنهایت رتبه هر یک از مناطق ساری از منظر رشد هوشمند با استفاده از مدل واسپاس ارزیابی‌شده است. نتایج نشان داد بین مناطق ازنظر شاخص‌های رشد هوشمند نابرابری وجود دارد. درواقع شاخص‌های رشد هوشمند در مناطق چهارگانه ساری توزیعی نامتعادل دارد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Evaluating and Measuring the Smart Growth Indicators in Urban Areas using The WASPAS Decision-Making Model (Case Study: Sari City)

نویسندگان [English]

  • elham davari
  • Mohammad Ajza Shokouhi
  • b Khakpour

چکیده [English]

Extended Abstract
1. Introduction
The tendency towards moving to cities and urbanization is currently an increasing challenge over the world which seems to be the consequence of modernity. Unbalanced growth of cities is now a remarkable challenge. Paying attention to the compact city and smart growth seems to be necessary to achieve the desired pattern of scattered development. Sari, as the capital of Mazandaran province, has developed drastically in the last few decades. The population the city increased from 70,735 people in 1976 to 323,790 people in 2016. Moreover, the physical growth and development of the city during the last half century is remarkable. The area of the city has increased sixteen times, while its population has increased approximately 12 times over the period. Moreover, the rapid increase of the population of the city population and its indiscriminate expansion have created unequal urban spaces, so that the four regions of this city appear to have unequal development indicators. Becoming aware of the amount of inequality seems necessary for making balance and creating correct and fair planning based on smart growth. Considering the above issue, this study sough to explicate the model of smart growth in Sari. It is viewed that examining the city using smart growth and paying attention to its development capacities can guide this city towards a sustainable city.
2. Method
Documentary and library sources were used to collect the data of this descriptive-analytical research. The indicators of smart growth includes a wide range. Considering the wide range and lack of information, from among 10 indicators of smart growth, density and mixed use were selected. Then, Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) was applied to examine the situation of the four Districts of Sari city. According to the opinion of experts of Delphi technique and considering the theoretical saturation, to finalize the indicators, a sample 15 managers, deputies and employees of Sari Municipality were interviewed (groups of 2, 7, and 8 people). Then, the Shannon entropy model was used to determine the weight of these indicators.
3. Results
The results showed that District 4 of Sari that is considered the main and central District of the city has the highest gross residential density and District 2 has the lowest residential density. The population density is uneven in all districts of Sari (4 districts) in 2016. The gross population density is very high in the parts close the downtown of Sari (that is about 101 people per hectare), and the density decreases moving towards the districts on the outskirt of the city, recording 67 people per hectare in the areas.
Since the 1996 the overall residential density of the city has been decreasing. The density is 27.7 in 2016. District 4 f the city is the most populated residential district and has the highest overall residential density and District 1 has the lowest overall residential density. The statistics shows that in 1996, the population of Sari was more than 195,882 people. Out of 2500 hectares of the city, 753 hectares are net residential area. The net residential density increased 260 people per hectare over the last decade and reached 289 people per hectare in 2006. Due to the increase of growth rate compared to the previous decade, the population in this year grew by about 65 thousand people and the residential area increased to 150 hectares.
The net residential density in 2016 shows decrease in comparison to the previous decade as it reached 277 people per hectare. About 60 thousand people had been added over the years to the population of the city. Over the decade, 250 hectares of residential use has been added to the area of Sari, and this has caused a decrease in the net residential density. District 3 has the highest net residential density (306.59 people per hectare) and District 4 has the lowest net residential density (237.12 people per hectare). The per capita residential land in Sari in 1996 was 38.4 square meters. District 4, holding 42.1 people per hectare in 2016 had the highest per capita population and District 1 was the second populated district. The ratio of the number of residential units on the areas for three periods (currently about 20 residential units per hectare) has relatively decreased. Regarding the evaluation of the diversity of use mix in more than two types of uses (residential and non-residential) at the level of districts of Sari, it can be said that Districts 4 and 3 have the best condition in terms of the diversity of the mix of urban uses as they have many uses and good distribution. Holding 6.67 square meters per capita, District 4 has the lowest amount of abandoned land. Regarding car ownership indicator, District 4 has the highest level of car ownership (31.12% of car ownerships).
The results on the accessibility to the workplace showed that District 4 has the highest accessibility (27.49%) to the workplace. According to the current value, Districts 4, 3 and 1 are ranked the first to third ranks regarding smart urban growth.
4. Discussion and conclusion
Rapid population increase in most cities of the developing countries seems to be the consequences of lack of planning on the proper use of urban land. In this regard, Sari is not an exception. The results showed inequality between the districts of the city in terms of the indicators of smart growth. So, Districts 4 and 3 are advance in terms of having smart growth indicator and District 2 is at the lowest level. Higher record of smart growth indicators in some districts of Sari have disturbed the integrity and unity of the city. More advanced districts have the capability of more growth regarding the indicators of smart growth, but some other districts do not have such an advantage. The issue itself has ceated a gap in growth and development in Sari’s urban system.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Urban Sprawl
  • Urban Growth
  • Smart Growth
  • Technology
  • Urbanization
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